Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Much Needed Post (According to Evan)

What excuse do I have to offer for the delay? Well, this computer keyboard makes me mad since the right shift button and the 'e' key are both missing, which makes this a little difficult.

Moving on...

I've given much thought to my own life in the past few days. There were a couple things with people that needed to be worked out in my mind. The thoughts just kind of roll around for a while and I forget about blogging. But it isn't all bad. I figured some good things out.

Now that the explanation is over, I have nothing else to say.

Well, I suppose I can come up with something. Pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939...

So, I was thinking over some of my friendships today and it just occurred to me that I almost stopped going to this one place for events right before I became really good friends with someone there. Things like that really make me see the power of God. I really wonder at all the things I almost missed out on, but turned out so perfect. Someone is watching me and making my life good and that makes me happy.

1 comment:

Micahlangelo said...

Nice to see your blog back!