Monday, March 10, 2008

Lessons of A Girl That's Allergic To Paint

Being sick always teaches me so much about God and life how messed up my priorities are. Add that on top of me being away from home, realizing how much I miss my family.

When everything is going on smoothly with life, when I'm healthy, getting along well with people, going everywhere that I want to, it's easy to just get lost in the normalness of things. Then my unsastified side comes out and just wants more, to be healthier and more productive.

When I get sick though, I think things are always put into much better perspective. Instead of wanting to read novels and facebook wall posts, I'm desperate to read the Bible. Instead of wanting to go on the computer to IM, I have a deep desire to talk to my family. Instead of day dreaming, I pray. Instead of listening the music that talks about the world and it's problems, I am drawn the worship music, that declares the glory of God. In these times, when my health is so fragile, when it really feels like death could happen upon me at any time, I truly see what life is all about, what the God-given deep desires of my soul are.

I spent the night away from home last night. It was a very fun time. But it brought me to see how much I really love my family and that I should really spend more time with them. Sadly, I still did the same things and that there wasn't much missing from my normal routine, which reall showed me how too indivualistic I am. This has to end.

Priorities are easy to see sometimes, but I can never seem to live them out. God, help me to take the lessons I learned while sick in bed and away from home, and really put them into practice and live each day with joy overflowing, doing what's truly important, as if today was the last day I had.

1 comment:

lovesarevolution said...

yes. Make the most of that time. I for one don't see my sisters much any more. Make the most of it.