Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Deadly Weapon

Oh, how we underestimate the power of prayer! I’ve grown to realize that in the past couple weeks, especially yesterday.

Now, as a normal human, I have many problems. I have problems with friends, my health, how I spend my time, getting along with my family, my mood and all sorts of other things. I’m always trying to solve them too. I talk about them with my mom, read books about how to deal with them, and write out plans with how to conquer them.

But in the past few months I’ve come to see that I can’t solve any of my problems. Sure, I can do things better and I’m not just going to be lazy. But no matter how hard I try to get along with people, I’ll still encounter enemies. No matter how much I try to psyche myself up to be cheerful, I’ll still succumb to the depression. No matter how healthy I eat, I still will get sick.

Joy of all joys, though, there is a King who can settle my problems for me if only I ask Him. For the last couple weeks, the first thing I’ve done as soon as I wake up is pray for God to control my mood and direct my emotions. He amazingly has done just that, and I have been so happy. Not that fake kind of happy you get only when you’re at a party or an amusement park or something, but the lasting joy that you have when you know that everything has a good purpose. I know go to work with a new willingness to serve and now can be perfectly calm in situations that used to stress me out.

No, I’m not perfect. No, I never will be on earth. But things are a lot better for me now that I’m not trying to control my own life, but asking my Maker to do it for me, because only He truly knows what I need.

What would happen if God’s people prayed for the unsaved in this way? What could happen if all the Christians were praying over every area of their lives like this?

What if the armies of the Lord picked up and dusted off their swords,
Vowed to set the captives free and not let Satan have one more?

What if the church, for heaven's sake, finally stepped up to the plate,
Took and stand upon God's promise, and stormed hell's rusty gates?

What if His people prayed and those who bear His name
Would humbly seek His face and turn from their own way?

And what would happen if we prayed for those raised up to lead the way?
Then maybe kids in school could pray and unborn children see light of day

What if the life that we pursue came from a hunger for the truth?
What if the family turned to Jesus and stopped asking Oprah what to do?

He said that they would hear; His promise has been made
He’s answered loud and clear. If only we would pray.


Micahlangelo said...


lovesarevolution said...

I was just thinking of that song and then scrolled down and saw the lyrics.

Prayer is amazing.

Anonymous said...

What if the family turned to Jesus and stopped asking Oprah what to do?

That is my favorite line. :-) Sometimes I add in Dr.Phil