Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I came across the most amazing song lyrics last night by Nichole Nordeman.

Did You come that we might just survive?
Did You come so we could just get by?
Did You walk among us so we might merely limp along beside?

I was bound, I have been set free
But I have settled for apathy
Did You come to make new
And know I'd crawl right back into the skin You found me in?
It's where I am, not where I've been

You make me want to live
You make me want to live
You came to shake us
And to wake us up to something more
Than we'd always settled for
And You make me want to live

We've all been up on the mountain top
A golden glow that's bound to soon wear off
Then it's back to the mundane, telling tales of glory days
When we were hopeful that this change was here to stay

So why would a young man live in a waste land
When the castle of his dreams is standing by?
Why would a princess put on an old dress
To dance with her beloved and a chance to catch his eye?

This song expresses my feelings so well. I have always wondered at the people who say that we have to come down from our mountain top experiences. I've always thought that to be my own sin that causes me to make life feel monotonous again, not the natural way that God made things. Granted, we will have trials, but we can face them with the strength of God. So often we just wear the "old dress" of this world, when we really don't have to. Life with Christ is just so beautiful that I really want to savor every minute of it and walk with the Lord and truly live.


Anonymous said...

There really are two different types of the term" live". I think culture somewhat tend to see as being involved with things. Thus came the term "get a life". But really as a Christian the only way we need to live is spiritually.

i should listen to that song.

Abigail said...

I should listen to that song too - the lyrics are wonderful! I wonder where I could find it... So far you have kept your resolution of blogging more often very well! :) Kudos to you Katrina! And thanks for adding the Grecian Inquirer link to your blogroll. :)