Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pickup Truck Reflections

I was riding in my dad's pickup today (all good blog posts should start like this), listening to Casting Crowns' song Life Of Praise. I got kind of stuck at this line though: "I will love You, Lord, always, not just for the things You've done for me. And I will praise you all my days, not just for the change you made." I got to wondering how we praise God, not for something He's done, but just for who He is.

I thought about it for a while. And then it struck me. All of us have really good friends, who we are just totally impressed with. Or there are people in history, or great people now, that we cannot say enough good about. There are people I know that I just could say "You are incredible" to, every time I saw them. This is how it should be with God. He receive the same adoration from us that we would give to a favorite best friend... times infinity.

He really is incredible.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Ah, I can totally relate! This is great Katrina.